
Yihe Yang, MD

Pathology - Anatomic & Clinical

Locations and Appointments

Insurances Accepted

Please contact the doctor's office to verify that your insurance is accepted.

*Indicates this doctor is no longer accepting new patients with this insurance plan.

  • HMO
  • Medicare
  • PPO
  • CHP
  • Blue Access
  • Blue Connection
  • EPO
  • HMO
  • Mediblue (Senior)
  • PPO
  • CBP
  • Medicaid
  • Medicare
  • Freedom
  • Liberty
  • Medicare Advantage
  • Metro/Core/Charter
  • Community Plan
  • Medicare
  • HMO
  • Medicare
Biographical Info

Dr. Yang received her Doctor of Medicine from Peking University in 2011 and then worked as a Resident in Internal Medicine at China-Japan Friendship Hospital in Beijing, where she also served as Chief Resident in her final year. She then emigrated from her home country of China and completed a Master of Science in Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Northwestern University in 2014. She subsequently completed her residency in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology at Northwell Health (NY) in 2021, and she successfully received board-certification in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology that same year. Following residency, she completed an advanced training fellowship at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Renal Pathology from 2021-2022. Immediately after completion of her fellowship in 2022, she was appointed as an Assistant Professor of Pathology at Northwell Health in New Hyde Park, NY where she practiced as a Renal Pathologist. Yihe is a highly qualified Renal Pathologist who comes to Cornell with considerable expertise.

Honors and Awards

-Front-line Heroes Recognition Award, Northwell Health, 2020

-1st Place of Annual Academic Competition, Northwell Health and Zucker School of Medicine, 2018

-Educational Outcomes Research and Evidence-Based Practice Finalist, Northwell Health and Zucker School of Medicine, 2020

-2nd Place of CAPA-GoPath Best Abstract Award Competition,Chinese-American Pathologist Association, 2019

-3nd Place of CAPA-GoPath Best Abstract Award Competition, Chinese-American Pathologist Association, 2020

Board Certifications
American Board of Pathology
Clinical Expertise
Renal Pathology
  • M.S.
    Northwestern University
  • M.D.
    Peking University Health Science Center (China)
  • Assistant Attending Pathologist
    NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital
  • Assistant Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
    Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University

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